Andre Campbell, M.D. is currently professor of surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine and an attending trauma surgeon at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. He. is also Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Department of Surgery.
Campbell attended Harvard University where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology in 1980. He attended medical school at the University of California, San Francisco and received his MD degree in 1985. His formal training was at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. Campbell is fully trained in internal medicine, general surgery, and surgical critical care. He has been on the faculty at University of California, San Francisco based at San Francisco General Hospital for the past 23 years. His research and clinical interest has been the ICU care of trauma patients, acute lung injury after trauma, the abdominal compartment syndrome, and surgical education.
Campbell is the one of the most decorated surgical educators at UCSF. He has received numerous awards from medical school students at the School of Medicine. His educational accomplishments have been celebrated both locally at UCSF and nationally. He was recognized for his educational accomplishments as a founding member of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators. In addition, in 2003, he was appointed Endowed Chair of Surgical Education at University of California, San Francisco for two five year terms. He was previously the long time diirector of the third year medical student undergraduate education program all the UCSF hospitals. Campbell has directed the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco for 18 years and has trained many fellows who now practice trauma, surgical critical care and acute care surgery around the United States and the World. He has also served as Medical Director of the Trauma Intensive Care Unit at San Francisco General Hospital.
Campbell was selected to serve on the Verification Review Committee of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. In addition, he serves on the Board of Governors of the American College of Surgeons. He was given the honor of presenting "The Last Lecture 2016" at UCSF by a majority of students from all five graduate programs. Campbell is a master surgeon, teacher, mentor, clinical researcher, and clinical educator in the department of surgery at UCSF.
Honored to be among countless medical students @UCSF who completed a surgical clerkship under @TraumaDocSF. His commitment to identifying and addressing root causes of violence and trauma has been lifelong.
— David J Heller (@djheller) April 4, 2018
The problem of violence due to gunshot wounds is a public health emergency. Many victims are under represented minorities or black. Trauma Surgeons have a voice. It is time for change. #blackmeninmedicine #GunViolence #Parkland #SandyHook, #pulsenightclub
— Dr. Andre Campbell (@TraumaDocSF) April 16, 2018
Some comments about the shooting at the Youtube headquarters. A sad but to common tragedy. @ACSTrauma @traumadoctors @AmCollSurgeons #ZSFGH @UCSF @UCSFSurgery. Trauma Surgeons deal with this everyday!
— Dr. Andre Campbell (@TraumaDocSF) April 4, 2018
Thanks to KQED for highlighting the issue of gun violence in the communities around the country. It is time for discussion and change. #GunViolence #ParklandStrong #LasVegasShooting #youtubeshooting @UCSF @UCSFSurgery #ZSFGH @ACSTrauma @AmCollSurgeons.
— Dr. Andre Campbell (@TraumaDocSF) April 12, 2018
UCSF trauma surgeon @TraumaDocSF recently highlighted the work of @UCSFWraparound in a wide-ranging interview on @NPR, describing it as a support system/trauma recovery center for victims of violent crime built into the fabric of Zuckerberg SF General.
— UCSF Surgery (@UCSFSurgery) July 10, 2018
Dr. Campbell's initial main research interest was in the basic science and clinical aspects of acute lung injury in the trauma patient. After examining the basic science aspects of the mechanism of lung injury in sheep, his research subsequently focused on the clinical aspects of lung injury in trauma patients. As part of the Traumatic Lung Injury Group, he attempted to stratify the patients who are at risk for developing ARDS by examining both systemic and local inflammatory mediators.
Currently, he is involved with research projects in the ICU evaluating the efficacy of ventilator management strategies in patients with ARDS in conjunction with the Respiratory Therapy Division at SFGH. The goal of these studies is to determine if patients benefit from pressure control ventilation over volume control ventilation if they had acute lung injury. He is now working on a number of projects examining weaning and the work of breathing patients have on different modes of ventilation.
Dr. Campbell has been a co-investigator in a study of errors reported in morbidity and mortality conference. The purpose of this study is to better characterize and understand the nature of errors and how they are presented at medical and surgical conferences. It is hoped that this study will result in improvements in the way that these conferences are conducted and analyzed.
Recently, Dr. Campbell became involved as an editorial board member of a new web based morbidity and mortality project. He was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for three years to develop a way to analyze nationally and report medical errors on the web. The name of the program is Dr. Campbell will serve as the expert in surgery to better help systematically analyze medical and surgical errors.